Missionary Focus

Missionary Wednesday

On Wednesday at conference we have a focus on missionaries working for the Lord in various locations around the world. Mission work has always been at the heart of conference. Our morning sessions are given over to hearing various reports from missionaries about their situations and how God is working through their service to Him. These mission reports take place instead of the usual Bible studies and seminars that occur on the weekdays at conference. The evening ministry on Wednesday usually relates to mission too. We are challenged and encouraged by what is brought on this day and there is opportunity to support the various works through prayer, serving and giving. For many, Wednesday is a highlight of the conference.

Information is available in the Missionary Display area in the main marquee where many missionaries associated with New Life Conference highlight their work.

Short Term Mission

The conference encourages and supports mission activity. To this end, in conjunction with Avail Mission, the conference offers the possibility of short term mission support for 18-30s who attend New Life Conference and are known by and/or are associated with the churches that attend New Life Conference.

The Trustees of New Life Conference and Avail Mission have set aside funds to assist in short term mission for 18-30 year olds as we are committed to supporting and encouraging young people involved in the furtherance of the Gospel. This is a central theme of both our on-going Mission Statements.

Applications can be made by downloading and completing the application form Short Term Mission Application.

Completed applications should be submitted via e-mail to bookings@newlifeconference.co.ukApplications will be considered by Trustees of both Charities and decisions made within the parameters of available funding at the time of submission. Decisions are at the discretion of the Trustees and shall be final.

The only requirement of funding is that successful applicants report back at New Life Conference as part of the Wednesday missionary morning in the year after the Mission is undertaken. This will be very low key based on a question and answer interview as part of a group of others having undertaken similar mission visits.

Early Bird Booking Discount Has Now Ended